5 Tips to Travel with Joint Pain and Arthritis
Depending on our preferences or job requirements, we might have to travel quite often. However, now that a pandemic is spreading all over the globe, traveling is not as accessible as it used to be before this situation. Many countries are in lockdown, and traveling is not allowed for the most part, as it would risk spreading the virus.
Still, you may be dreaming of the days when you’ll be able to travel again, even if you’re suffering from arthritis and joint pain. In this case, you must know what to do during your trip to relieve the pain and enjoy the adventures you’ve longed for so much. If you’re planning to travel after COVID-19 finally goes away, you must know what methods could help ease your pain during your trips. Here are five tips to make you feel better when joint pain and arthritis are trying to ruin the fun.
Prepare Your Medication

Since you’ll be on vacation, you may be very tempted to start skipping your medication while at it. Nevertheless, you shouldn’t. Medication is meant to help you with your issues – so, without it, you risk feeling more discomfort that could ruin your trip. If anything, you can limit the amount that you take. Not to mention, replacing it with natural medicine is possible too.
In case you have arthritis and don’t want to carry all your pills, you may consider CBD for arthritis. However, make sure that you don’t leave essential medication at home, because it could be very helpful when dealing with joint pain. Since the coronavirus risk may not be fully gone when we’ll be allowed to travel again, don’t forget to also have a mask with you, some gloves, and some hand sanitizer.
Walk and Stretch

Sitting for a long period could make you feel stiff and give you a lot of pain. Because of that, it’s important to walk and stretch now and then. Stretch every part of your body that can be stretched. Still, try not to get too close to other people, since it’s recommended to maintain social distance as much as possible.
Plan Your Meals

Make sure to plan your meals properly. If you’re someone who’s dealt with joint pain and arthritis for a while, you may know that staying away from foods rich in fat and calories is advised. That’s because they increase inflammation. If you’re new to this, make sure to pack some nice and healthy snacks with you. Always hydrate yourself with water and stay away from caffeine and alcohol. Avoid junk food, as well.
Consider Temperature Control
When temperatures go towards extremes, it may cause a lot of pain for people suffering from joint pain and arthritis. The environment will influence the pain you’re dealing with. So, if you’ll be traveling, it’s recommended to have some portable topical cream and ice packs, as well as heat pads/wraps with you. They will make sure you maintain a proper temperature.
Plan Your Trip

For example, since you have to walk and stretch sometimes, it’s best to make sure you get the aisle seat instead of the window one. It will make it easier to stand up without upsetting the stranger next to you. Also, it’s essential to plan how you’re going to maintain distance to prevent a potential coronavirus spread. Even if you’re going to sit next to someone, don’t get too close to them, and always wear a mask. Don’t touch surfaces with your bare hands, and most importantly, don’t touch your face afterward. Wash your hands thoroughly as often as possible or use a hand sanitizer when washing isn’t possible. Also, avoid crowded places as much as you can. As for the hotel, seek a room that is close to the elevator, and pick a hotel that has hot tubs or saunas for relaxation.
The Bottom Line
It’s important to know how to deal with your joint pain and arthritis during a trip, now that there’s also the concern of COVID-19. Your arthritis shouldn’t stop you from traveling, though – everyone deserves to see the world. Make sure to take measures to get rid of the pain and protect yourself against the coronavirus.