Top 5 Best Pubs in London
Although at present – under the spur of Puritans – there are more pubs closing down rather than new ones opening, Public Houses remain a major symbol of British culture, with London in the lead, where you can still enjoy more than 4000 of them scattered all around the city.
However, especially due to the great size of this city, it could be quite difficult to come up with a list of the best pubs in London, having the possibility to visit them all.
Considering that you surely haven’t traveled to London only for pubs, you could rather choose an interesting area where to spend your day, among monuments, shops, parks and museums, and then slip away – at night – in one of the side streets of the same area, which is very likely to conceal a nice “local” where you can enjoy your evening in good company.
So let’s take a look at the 5 best pubs that we have selected for you in the metropolitan area of London, to be sure you won’t get lost or wander aimlessly!
The Red Lion is one of the most appreciated pubs in London, boasting wonderful etched and cut glass mirrors. This tiny gem is located in Crown Passage, in the St. James’s district. Dark wood and low lighting create a relaxed atmosphere and the friendly staff serve Adnams Bitter or Bass beer to liven up your evening in London.
The colorful Soho is home to the Coach & Horse Pub, serving Fullers London Pride and Marston’s Pedigree beer. The C&H is a classic Victorian style pub with wooden floors and an outside area with benches and flowers. A spooky curiosity: it is believed – and the landlord confirms – that the pub is haunted by some ghosts, among which an old man and a black cat.
The Seven Stars is located in 53 Carey Street, near Covent Garden – hidden behind the Royal Courts of Justice. Built in 1602, this pub stills maintains some of its original elements: it is a long narrow bar, simply but comfortably furnished, with wooden settles and a few tables and chairs; it offers several brands of beer along with home-made food, sandwiches and vegetarian dishes.
Ten minutes away from the Seven Stars, you will find The Lamb, 92 Lambs Conduit Street, Bloomsbury district. The exterior has beautiful green tiled walls and a cute little lamb on the sign – although the pub is actually named after philanthropist William Lamb. Inside, there is a charming U-shaped counter offering Young’s beer and seasonal ales, and small pivoting panels of etched glass positioned at head height, serving as privacy screens.
Last but not least, the Bunch Of Grapes stands about 200 mt away from Harrods, in London’s Knightsbridge district. This elegant pub boasts a sophisticated Victorian decoration and serves a large assortment of beers in a charming, completely authentic Old World ambience, with carved stools and painted mirrors. A remarkable carving includes a huge ‘bunch of grapes’ bar partition made from a single piece of timber.
During your night-clubbing, always keep in mind that good pubs are, if not exactly hidden, at least tucked away and that buses in London run all night, so if you need to get home late, that is a great option.