Dalì’s dream show in Milan
The works of Salvador Dalì are on show in Milan at the Palazzo Reale (Piazza Duomo) until January 30, 2011. The exhibition, “Il Sogno si avvicina“, a collaboration between the Foundation Gala-Salvador Dali of Figueres, the City of Milan and Sole 24 Ore Group, brings together works from museums and galleries around the world.
The aim of the exhibition is to deepen the relationship between Dali and the landscape, in particular in relation to Italian Renaissance paintings, of course in a surrealistic and metaphysical perspective and in a mystical, sacred spirit.
The path is divided into various moments/experiences. It tackles the theme of Memory, of the relationship between the master and the past, with paintings dedicated to Velasquez, as well as of the Evil, with paintings depicting the war, as in ‘Melancholy Atomic’ or ‘Visage de la guerre’.
With regards to the autobiographical landscapes, more related to the Surrealist period – during which the artist painted the unconscious and the introspection – there are works such as ‘The Three Ages’, from St. Petersburg in Florida.
In the area dedicated to the Landscapes of Absence, the Room of Silence and that of Emptiness are the culmination of surrealism where chaos is transformed into art of silence, with bleak scenarios and concerns leading to abstraction, such as the oil painting preceding his death in 1983, ‘The abduction of Europe’.
Among the works, also the Mae West room will be represented, from the museum of Figueres, Catalonia-Spain: paintings and other items shape the face of Mae West, the actress who scandalized the conformist America in the 40s.
At the end of the tour, a movie will be projected about the relationship between Dali and Walt Disney – first time in Italy. The exhibition is driven by means of reading, audio and visual in which the same Dali, in his interviews, explains his works and their meaning.
The exhibition is held by Oscar Tusquets Blanca, friend and collaborator of the great master.
The exhibition will take place at Palazzo Reale (Duomo metro station, red line 1 and yellow line 3) and will be open on Monday from 2.30 pm to 7.30 pm, Tuesday and Wednesday from 9.30 am to 7.30 pm, till 11.30 pm on Thursday, and Saturday and Sunday from 9:30 am to 10.30 pm. Tickets: adults € 9; reductions: 7,50 € / 4,50 €.
Photo by lorkano