February 9, 2012 | by Daniela
Airports are places in which we have to spend an inordinate amount of time, especially since security measures have been heightened to combat terrorism. Therefore, airport’s facilities become just as important as the flights we’re going to take. Well, what... Read the rest →
February 3, 2012 | by Elena
Not to long ago, we gave you some clues on what were going to be the “new” top European destinations for 2012. Now our purpose is to go through those destinations one by one, in order to provide you with... Read the rest →
February 23, 2011 | by Andrea Guerriero
Zurich is a very interesting city in many respects. It is a historic city with monuments and historic houses; it is a city where there is culture, encounters and events of international level…
It is a city with more than... Read the rest →