Common Myths About the Private Jet Industry
Private jet travel has been plagued with misconceptions. So many people think that they do not have enough money to be able to fly in a private jet. They believe that this form of travel is for corporations and those who are lucky enough to be very wealthy. This is definitely not true. So many people can actually afford private jets and in some cases the prices can actually be comparable to commercial airlines.
Myth # 1 – Private jets are only for royalty and celebrities.
While you might see a lot of pictures published about those celebrities and royalty who are boarding private jets, the majority of the customers who are boarding private jets are neither of these things. In fact, they are not high level executives from fortune 500 companies either. They are in fact a lot of lower level executives from smaller corporations that employee less than 500 people: more than 50% of private flights are for business use, and for senior business members on a tight schedule the efficiency benefits of a private jet are significant.
Myth # 2 – You need to own a jet to get the flexibility that you want.
Many people feel the need to purchase their own jets. For some this is a status symbol showing that they can live a life of luxury, but for others it is just the convenience of knowing that it is always available. In most cases it is actually better to simply charter a private jet. Do not worry, you can charter and actually rest easier. You won’t have to worry about maintenance and all of the worries that go along with owning a jet. You will be able to have a jet when you need it, even on short notice.
Myth # 3 – Flying in private jets is a waste of resources.
Have you ever needed to get somewhere and found that the place you were going was not available to you? You probably ended up booking airline travel and then renting a car, hiring a car, or even taking a bus or train to get to your destination. Flying in a private jet will open up a world of new locations to you. In fact only about 20% of jets fly into airports with commercial airlines.
Myth # 4 – There are going to be security check points and time delays when flying on a private jet.
Here is the biggest single reason that you should check out private jet travel. You actually do not have to wait in the same security check points when you are traveling. You will have a special place where you go where other commercial airline passengers are no longer allowed. Of course this probably means that you want to learn more right now, so head on over to to figure out how you can start chartering your own private jet.
Myth #5 – Private jets fly the same speeds as commercial airlines.
One of the biggest misconceptions is that private jets fly the same speed as commercial airlines. In fact there is no air speed limit so private jets are actually known for flying faster which means that it is going to take less time for you to get where you are going. Private jets take off and land at smaller airports which means that they do not have to wait for other planes to be out of the way first. They also climb into the air faster. So if you are contemplating whether or not this for you, why not check out a dream weekend (like a weekend in Rome) to see if this type of flight is really more your speed.
There are so many more interesting facts about private jet travel that you can check out. These include learning about how the Super Bowl is the biggest event for private jet travel and that some pricing on private jets is quite lavish.