6 Insane Spanish Phrases And Their Meanings
Learning a new language is fun and helpful if you want to travel the world or understand other cultures and people. A person should at least learn another language other than his native one, and what better language to learn other than Spanish.
Spanish is a very cool language and is spoken in more than thirty countries by millions of people. It is only natural that there are many variations in it. We usually get confused by different variations of English language like the British, American and Australian version. It is okay if you find the same difficulty with Spanish.
Whenever you are learning a new language, the best way to truly master it is by learning the conversational and informal phrases. Learning such phrases is a great way to learn vocabulary, grammar, and context. You may have noticed how in our own native language, sometimes we come across words that we don’t know the meaning of but we still understand them. How? With the help of context! Same goes for another language, and in this case, Spanish, where learning meaningful phrases can help us get a grasp at the language. Phrases are meaningful and hold wisdom in an efficient way. Same goes for learning grammatical aspects like preposition and conjunctions etc. We tend to learn basic vocabulary like learning the meaning of por vs. para.
If you want to learn Spanish or its vocabulary, you can always hire a tutor to teach you. Otherwise, there are plenty of courses created to help learners like you. We have also listed some insane Spanish phrases along with their meanings. Have a look!
Me Pica El Bagre
The literal meaning of this phrase is the catfish is biting me. You know that feeling when you are so hungry that your stomach begins to ache? Me pica el bagre is perfect for those situations. We often say in English that I’m feeling so hungry, I can eat a horse. We have all been there when the hunger gets to the point that it feels like something is pinching you from inside the stomach. Nothing can explain that feeling better than this expression. People commonly use this phrase in Argentina and South America.
El Que La Hace, La Paga
The literal meaning of this phrase is He who does it, pays for it. You must be familiar with the English phrase, ‘what goes around comes around.’ The Spanish phrase El que la hace, la paga is the equivalent of this phrase that points to people who are corrupt or have hurt other people in some way.This way points out the way our universe works, or as we commonly call it as ‘karma.’ Every person has to pay for his crimes or what he has done. No one can get away with the injustice or evil that he has done, and this is how the world works.
Dame Pan Y Dime Tonto
The literal meaning of the phrase is give me bread and call me stupid, but when you are using it in a conversation, it translates as I get what I want no matter what. This phrase mostly fits in the business world where some people are extremely ambitious and don’t care how they reach their goal.
Más Ven Cuatro Ojos Que Dos
This phrase translates as Four eyes are better than two. It is a well-known fact that when you are making a decision, it is always better to ask around. Sometimes, we cannot see things clearly or are too confused to make a decision. Asking another person for their opinion can help us view the situation from a different perspective. Two people are better equipped at solving a problem. You can get a thorough understanding of everything, and you will see things that you never considered before.
Comiendo Moscas
This phrase literally means eating flies, which doesn’t make any sense, but in Spanish, the essence of this phrase is something else. We all have a friend who has the talent of speaking about anything and stretching the story into a longer than it should be. Of course, your friend is not eating flies just because he tells long stories. In Spanish however, if you know a person who speaks aimlessly about things that don’t really matter, then you would call that person Comiendo moscas. People in Latin America and Spain also use this phrase.
Hablando Del Rey De Roma
The translation of this phrase is speaking of the king of Rome. There are often times that you talk about someone, and at the same moment, they enter the room. In English, we would say ‘talk of the devil.’ In Hablando del rey de Roma, you are not actually talking about the king of Rome. If a person walks in the room while you are talking about him, and you say this phrase, you are basically saying ‘we were just talking about you.’ People in Spain mostly use this phrase.
Phrases change with time, and so does the vocabulary. There are many words and phrases that may not sound as cool today as they did years ago. There are many new phrases and words that are trending today, and using them in conversation can make you sound impressive. All the Spanish phrases we have mentioned above are cool, and you should try using them in your informal conversations.